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Cold Departure

30 January 2012 · 1 Comment

I managed to escape the Fairbanks cold Saturday night. The airport temperature was -49F when we left. The icefog in town has been horrible – nearly impossible to see. The picture above (not a great picture) was taken on the way to the airport. The icefog was so thick, you can barely see the car stopped on the right side. Traffic lights were also hard to see until you drove right up on them. It is much nicer in Boulder. Tonight is dinner with family Delamere. Very much looking forward to that.

Tags: Fairbanks · Friends · Travel · weather

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Matt Heavner // Jan 30, 2012 at 8:11

    Cheers! I’m glad we could catch up a bit in the airports (thanks for the access!). Please pass on a hello to the Delameres!

    ps I think Ice Fog is the next great Alaskan Export, and you’ve already got the domain name sewn up!