This morning I woke up to -45C (-49F). Compounding my cold is the fact my boiler has been turned off until the repairs are finished this afternoon (need to recharge the lines in my radiant floor heat system) and my propane is in a non-gaseous state. So I don’t have any hot water (without microwaving it) for coffee, dishes, or a shower and my frozen pizza lunch plans are most likely going to be put on hold! Dang!
While this cold has been going on a long time (I believe we are creeping up on all-time (in the top ten) coldest January’s), I only have to make it through today. Tonight, after watching the Capitol Steps performance (brought up by the Fairbanks Concert Association), I depart to Boulder to work for a week followed by a week in Seattle. The National Weather Service is also predicting the cold to finally break early next week. I am guessing everyone’s moods will be greatly improved by the middle of the week.
UPDATE (28 Jan):
I thought I lived in nearly the coldest part of Fairbanks. It turns out that Shannon actually lives in a colder place. Her thermometer read -55F this morning. At 11:20 p.m., it is -49F at the airport and the forecast is -45 to -60F in the valleys. Pretty brutal indeed.
1 response so far ↓
1 Shannon // Feb 1, 2012 at 12:06
I’m just glad the ‘mercury’ wasn’t completely hiding inside its white shell.