Today the weather FINALLY broke a bit with much warmer temperatures and sunshine. A very welcome relief. Today was also my first sighting of canadian geese returning. I also went to ultimate frisbee training (which is also good in itself) and a few team mates went to a pretty cool pub afterward. Germany instituted a smoking ban on 1 Jan. My first smoke free German pub complete with a good German beer and a pretty decent hamburger. All in all, it was a pretty good day.
Especially when compared to my last night… After work last night, I was completely starving with no relief to be found in my apartment. I walked to the local store and picked up a few quick and easy things – namely a frozen pizza, a large bag of peanut M & Ms, and some chips and salsa. Not exactly healthy I know. No need to remind me of that. As I am walking home, it begins to rain pretty hard. But did that stop me from consuming the entire bag of M & Ms before reaching my apartment???? NOOOO! I still had a large hole in my stomach, so I throw the pizza in the oven and proceed to open up the chips and salsa. Did knowing that I would be having pizza in some 10-15 minutes stop me from consuming the entire bag of chips and jar of salsa before the pizza finished cooking???? NOOOOOOO! Still with hunger, I then proceeded to eat the pizza. The end result? Well, I managed to spend most of my evening on my couch, doubled up in pain, with a severe stomach pain/cramp. It has been a very very long time since I have done that to myself. I imagine (and hope) it will be a very very long time before I do that to myself again.
UPDATE: I was later asked if the story about my eating binge was at all embellished. I am afraid to say the answer is no. Everything bought was consumed in rapid succession. This was indeed rapidly followed with stomach pain/cramping.
3 responses so far ↓
1 Ryan // Jan 9, 2008 at 8:28
You are a p-i-g pig. How are the German chips and salsa? Here is Zurich, we made our own salsa and guac the other night. Oh man, that was good.
2 Paul // Jan 9, 2008 at 20:49
Hi Ryan, there’s a weird German chip-monopoly that prevents any good chips from entering the country. Except those funky Swedish Ikea chips, they’re okay. So the pound of chips Bob ate was of pseudo-tacos heavily dosed with monosodium-glutamate-flavoured synthetic chili. BTW Bob thanks for sharing the cake today. And the chocolate.
3 Bob // Jan 9, 2008 at 21:54
Paul… I think it was only 500 grams, not a pound of chips. I have some vague recollection of you bringing the chocolate into the office as well. Vague I know. Everything is fuzzy these days…Does MSG do that to you?