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Getting soft ….

3 January 2008 · No Comments

So I am VERY cold. It has been cold here since New Year’s Day when it started raining snow. Since that time, the temperatures have dropped and the wind has picked up. A very damp, windy, cut through your clothes sort of cold here. While the temperature was only -4°C, with the wind chill it was somewhere around -10-ish°C. I think it is a good night for one of those hot toddie things.

The last time I felt this cold was in Fairbanks (January 2006). I ran out of heating oil and it was about -40°C. It literally took me about 2.5 days to figure out how to get my heater turned back on! I completely froze our entire cabin, food, refrigerator, everything! Not such a smart thing to have happen in the middle of winter. Such fond memories…

Tags: Germany · Potsdam · weather